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Management development in partnership

We’ll work with you to get the most from your managers

Are your managers managing? or are they struggling to juggle priorities, people and resources?

Would you like them to delegate more, to plan further ahead, to concentrate on the key priorities rather than ‘quick wins’? Do they need to gain confidence managing the performance of their team and holding them accountable?  If this is the case our Management Development Programmes can help move your teams and your business forward.

Tailored content, delivered in-house

In-house courses offer the opportunity to have programme content tailored to the specific needs of your group and organisation, and delivered on-site.

The key to successful in-house training is a strong partnership between you and us. Clients tell us they appreciate the time we spend learning about them, finding out what they want and tailoring the training to their needs. Even if you want us to run one of our standard programmes in-house we still take the time to learn about your needs and tweak the contents to ensure it will meet the needs of your staff and helps you to achieve your organisation’s goals.

To build this partnership and ensure we deliver the best possible training, we work with you through a series of steps:

1. You make an initial enquiry

You will have ideas about your goals and what you’d like to achieve from Management Development training for your staff and we have an initial conversation about these.

2. We respond

One of our trainers will call you back to discuss these in more detail.

3. We meet

If you are ready and happy with what you have heard so far, the most effective next step is to meet up, and we’re happy to come to you. During this meeting we usually go through where you are as a company, what your objectives are, what your staff do well and where there are gaps.  We’ll discuss ideas about how training can help you your objectives.   If coaching and /or mentoring would help we’ll also talk through these too. These meetings are usually the best way of developing an effective training programme.

4. A proposal

We’ll put together a proposal including our suggestion/s for what we believe needs to be covered during a programme and ways of achieving this, including costs and mechanisms for feedback and consolidation.  The more we work together, the better the outcome for your business. The meeting and proposal are free of charge.

5. You decide what to do next

Then it’s over to you! You may decide that you’d like us to come and run a programme at your workplace covering a range of popular management topics. This may include several the following: Management and Leadership, Increasing Staff Engagement, Emotional Intelligence, Performance Management, Resilience, Communication, Managing Change, Building an Effective Team, Managing Time, Talent & Resources and Coaching and Appraisals.

6. During and after the programmes

We will keep in close contact with you during the programme. We’ll give you feedback on key issues raised during the sessions and we appreciate getting feedback from you about what your staff are using from the programme. In our experience one of the key factors to a long-term successful outcome is a strong relationship between us, you and your staff. The closer we can work together, the more likely it is that the training makes a real difference at work and the greater the return on investment for you.

If you’d like to find out how Cambridge Executive Development can help your teams and your business develop skills and capability with real end product, please contact us via info@cambridgeexec.co.uk or 0845 226 0624. Or you can find out more about some of the management programmes we’ve delivered in the past here.