Outplacement programmes
We’ll take the strain of supporting leavers into new roles
Our outplacement assistance provides businesses that want to support those facing redundancy with a high quality, results oriented service that benefits both leavers and the business itself. We enable organisations to focus their efforts on business operations rather than diverting the often considerable time and energy required to support leavers.
What do our outplacement coaching programmes involve?
All of our programmes are tailored to meet your needs. However, our programmes typically involve working with one of our highly experienced career coaches on the following:
1. Career review and analysis
- Assessing career capital, key skills, experience, value etc.
- Undertaking psychometrics to discover how your staff work at their best so that they can make an informed career decision
- Exploring career options and/or alternative ways of working
- Making informed decisions about their next move
- Devising a practical career action plan for next job and beyond
2. Marketing your skills to employers
- Locating where the target jobs are – both advertised and unadvertised
- Creating CVs, covering letters, application forms in order to be short-listed
- Rehearsing for interviews and presentations (skype and face to face)
- Networking, using video as appropriate to provide invaluable feedback
- Practising for psychometric assessments
- Using social media to increase your on-line presence
- Managing the recruitment agency/head-hunter relationship
- Salary negotiation
- Settling into the new job
Or self-employment
- Practical help in setting up your own business
- Consultancy advice on business development
Individual outplacement support
We can also provide this service to self-funding individuals facing redundancy, to provide practical and emotional support to help them secure their next position.
Specialist career coach
Our specialist career coach, Katherine Wiid, is a former head-hunter who became intrigued by what drove people to consider moving jobs, taking risks in their careers and to turn down roles that on paper were a great match.
Since 2009 she has studied extensively to become one of the few people in the world to master a psycho-linguistic tool to determine what motivates people. She helps them predict how they will perform in a specific job and what competencies they possess or are able to grow – all by decoding their motivation codes. She will:
- Work with you to identify your natural abilities and the skills you need to develop your career
- Help you to understand what motivates you at work and identify the ideal work environment in which you can perform at your best
- Coach you to articulate your achievements in order to make a credible first impression at the CV and network stages
- Coach you on using social networking tools to increase your visibility in the job market.
“Katherine brought a great wealth of knowledge, understanding and focus to our outplacement sessions. The profiling proved to be spot-on; the advice around developing my CV and networking was solid and well thought out; and the skills analysis accurate; most importantly I found her to be incredibly perceptive. Katherine’s style and knowledge base gave me the confidence to take my career to the next level.”
Outplcaement coaching client
Find out more or book an initial conversation
If you have any questions, or if you would like to have an informal, no obligation conversation with one of our Outplacement coaches about how coaching could work for you please get in touch.
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