Workshop resources portal
Below you will find a selection of resources linked to your recent leadership training.
We’ve curated this page to complement your training, providing additional insights as well as a recap of some of the ideas and tools discussed during the course.
If you have any questions, please feel free to drop me a line.
Kate Jennings
Use the tabs on the left to find extra resources to help you explore specific issues and ideas in more detail through articles, videos, books and data.
Book suggestion: Radical Candor by Kim Scott.
(also see video: Radical Candor In 6 Minutes With Kim Scott (youtube.com)).
Coaching skills – additional reading
Book suggestion: The Coaching Habit (Michael Bungay Stainer) (summary)
Guide to neurodiversity, the benefits of having a neuroinclusive and fair organisation, and how to support neurodivergent people to be successful at work: Neuroinclusion at work | CIPD
CIPD Neuroinclusion at Work Report
Useful article describing how organisations benefit from embracing neurodiversity as neurodivergent individuals. Neurodiversity in the Workplace (mindtools.com)
‘Benefits & Challenges of Cultural Diversity’ – a useful summary by Katie Reynolds
Hard data on the benefits of diversity from McKinsey: Why diversity matters | McKinsey
This Forbes article explores the issue of unconscious bias, and its potential impacts on work organisations: How To Work With Unconscious Bias In Your Organization
Numerous studies in a range of contexts have shown a link between manager EI and team performance/decision-making quality, e.g. (Cordier et a. 2011; Angelidis and Ibrahim, 2011). A comprehensive paper by Stubbs Koman and Wolff (2008) describes how high EI managers lead teams with high EI norms (expectations and behaviours associated with reflectiveness, respect, openness, constructive disagreement etc.), and that these teams outperform others in a combination of senior leadership assessments and a range of objective measures.
Google on psychological safety. Useful tips and tools for building psychological safety in your team, including this handy sheet of ‘manager actions‘.
‘Emotional Intelligence has 12 elements – which do you need to work on?’ A seminal idea, outlined by Daniel Goleman
For those who want a deeper dive into research from EI guru Daniel Goleman, this page provides a useful list of papers.
This blog post outlines research that describes how prolonged exposure to microaggressions and incivility at work can have physiological consequences. It also suggests that best ways to defuse stress resulting from conflict at work.
10 Simple Rules for a Supportive Lab Environment | Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience | MIT Press
Book suggestion: Emotional Intelligence. Daniel Goleman.
Book suggestion: Atomic Habits. James Clear.
Book suggestion: Chimp Paradox. Professor Steve Peters.
‘Engagement, wellbeing, productivity and performance’ is an article from Saïd Business School outlining the relationship between staff engagement and work performance.
Gallup has done a lot of research on engagement at work. This detailed article outlines key findings: How to Improve Employee Engagement in the Workplace
WorkLab: Hard Data, Compelling Stories, Vital Insights (microsoft.com) – research from Microsoft’s in-house team. Interesting section on hybrid working.
Details of Project Aristotle, Google’s major, data-driven study of what makes a great manager: re:Work – Guide: Identify what makes a great manager
The Influencing Styles questionnaire: https://wp.me/a98kVc-1eR
Situational leadership style questionnaire (can be completed by your team, with reference to you as a leader, not themselves.)
Situational leadership style questionnaire with detailed explanation notes.
‘2022 EY US Generation Survey’ describes the differences between the work expectations and needs of people of different generations.
How to Manage a Multi-Generational Team This HBR article provides some practical tips for managing across generations.
5 ways to successfully manage a multi-generational workforce. Another perspective overlapping with the above, providing more quick takeaways for inter-generational teams.
‘How leaders create and use networks’ by Jerminia Ibarra and Mark Hunter.
‘Managing your Boss’ by J Gabarro and J Kotter; a mini book from Harvard Business Review series. This is a quick read on how to understand and work more effectively with your line manager. The principles apply to other key stakeholders.
Book suggestion: Never Split the Difference. Chris Voss (former Head of FBI hostage negotiation).
Explore the StrengthsFinder theme definitions
Full list and details of StrengthsFinder’s 34 Strengths & Talents
CIPD factsheet focusing on wellbeing in the workplace, outlining the domains of their wellbeing model, and looking at the role of different stakeholders in cultivating a healthy workplace: Wellbeing at Work | Factsheets | CIPD
Mental health and employers: Refreshing the case for investment
Insights from Daniel Goleman on developing resilience: Resilience for the rest of us
A useful overview of the PERMA model: The PERMA Model
Book suggestions:
Flourish: A new understanding of happiness and wellbeing Martin Seligman
Option B by Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant
The Telomere Effect Elizabeth Blackburn and Elissa Epel