For many of us, speaking in front of an audience is one of the most difficult things we’re called on to do at work. And that isn’t surprising. At few other moments is your capacity to influence others’ opinions and ideas so great – including (here’s the scary bit) their opinions about you.
The ability to present powerfully can be crucial in a wide range of contexts, from securing staff commitment to a new project, to gaining and retaining customers. Whatever your role it is likely that at some stage or another you will have to deliver a presentation or talk.
Some people seem to be natural public speakers, with the ability to connect with their audience and transmit a clear, memorable message. But this professional and engaging style has, in almost every case, been learned and practised. Great speakers are not born, they are the product of hard work.
This course is your opportunity to transform your presenting and public speaking skills and confidence, and your effectiveness as a communicator at work. With a focus on practical tips and opportunities to present and receive feedback, this course offers a safe, supportive environment in which to develop your skills.