What is the course content?

This programme is highly interactive, with short tutor inputs reinforced by:

  • Group discussion
  • Case studies
  • Practical work in small groups
  • Discussion of individual problem areas

The nature and content of this programme requires a different language to typical workplace training as we talk about feelings and show vulnerabilities at times. We create a safe place for this. The workshop lasts about three hours, and incorporates the following four modules:

Programme Content

1. Starting the conversation about mental health at work

  • Why is it important to talk about mental health at work?
  • The business case for wellbeing – this is not a fluffy subject.
  • What is mental health stigma?
  • A story of depression based on lived experience.
  • Signposting to extra resources for employees and employers.
  • Why talking about energy can help to normalise mental like physical health.

2. Understanding and managing stress – the free release tools for restoring balance

  • What happens in our minds and bodies when we experience stress?
  • The free tools to offset stress and make us mentally more robust.
  • Create your individual strategies for restoring work:life balance.

3. The vital role of the manager and supporting colleagues

  • Recognising signs and symptoms in others.
  • Tools and techniques to help the manager start a conversation about wellbeing and mental health
  • How a little more conversation makes a difference.
  • Supporting staff who don’t want to talk.
  • Back to basics – being human again.
  • Compassion in the workplace.
  • Defining the boundaries of your role.
  • Design a mental health charter for your team or organisation – a pledge to work towards that promotes, supports and improves wellbeing for employees.

4. Reflection

  • Recap of the learning.
  • Develop personal action plans based on the three modules.
  • What will you do differently as a result of this workshop?
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