What’s the course about?

For any manager – team leader, supervisor or corporate leader – the central challenge is to harness the skills and energy of others to the aims of the organisation. At every level of seniority, effective management is a key component in an organisation’s long-term success.

That means that being an effective, professional manager is one of the most important and well-rewarded skills in modern business life.

The best managers are able to get the maximum possible effort from their team, whilst maintaining happy working relationships and a sense of shared purpose. But achieving this balance is not easy. Even the most talented natural leaders need to develop an understanding of a wide range of skills, from identifying individuals’ key strengths to how to manage under-performance.

The Essential Management Course is all about providing delegates with the confidence, knowledge and techniques to be more effective leaders and managers. It focuses on how to build team cohesion, get the balance of talents right, and build a happy, motivated team. There is also an important opportunity to develop delegates awareness of their own leadership style, and what this means for how they are perceived by others.

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