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Mental Health at Work Resources

Below you can find a selection of articles and videos looking at aspects of mental health and resilience at work.

We’ve curated these resources to complement your classroom training, providing additional insights as well as a recap of some of the tools discussed during the course.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Kate Jennings (kate@cambridgeexec.co.uk)

Useful articles

Insights from Daniel Goleman on developing resilience:
“Resilience for the rest of us”
I love the title of this article – and it make such good sense!:
“Resilience Is About How You Recharge, Not How You Endure”
“Five ways to boost your resilience at work”
An excellent article from Harvard Business Review:
“Manage your energy, not your time”
“Calm hormones for wellbeing”

Audio material

Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, discusses how we develop resilience.

Video recaps

Kate Jennings takes you through some useful models and ideas that you may have already covered on the course.

Insightful talks

Brene Brown talks compellingly about how vulnerability actually increases our resilience. We agree!

Daniel Pink on the research showing what actually motivates us.

Bill Benjamin on performing under pressure: The Science of Emotional Intelligence.